57 Animals

Pteroglossus Bitorquatus Gould and Richter Lithograph Product Link
UK, c. 1990
14 x 19 in (36 x 48 cm)

Aulacorhynchus Albivitta Gould and Richter Lithograph Product Link
UK c. 1990
14 x 19 in (36 x 48 cm)

Ramphastos Vitellinus Gould and Richter Lithograph Product Link
UK c. 1990
14 x 19 in (36 x 48 cm)

Ramphastos Carinatus Gould and Richter Lithograph Product Link
UK c. 1990
14 x 19 in (36 x 48 cm)

Aulacorhynchus Haematopygius Gould and Richter Lithograph Product Link
UK c. 1990
14 x 19 in (36 x 48 cm)

Aulacorhynchus Derbianus Gould and Richter Lithograph Product Link
UK c. 1990
14 x 19 in (36 x 48 cm)

Ramphastos Erythrorhynchos Gould and Richter Lithograph Product Link
UK c. 1990
14 x 19 in (36 x 48 cm)

Golden-Crowned Kinglet, Ruby-Crowned Kinglet, Brown Creeper Product Link
early 20th century